July 23
My chef is a very observant and caring man. A week ago I went to him explaining that I would like a few shifts in different areas of the kitchen. As much fun as Garde Manger is, I am quickly growing bored of it. As well as I don't feel that I am making any more progress. Though my knife skills have significantly improved, which was one of the key things I wanted to work on during this internship. I feel much more confident when I am handling a knife. So after this talk with Chef I found my schedule this week in many different areas, including hot side, carving/action station, 44 North Breakfast and diner as well as a Fife and Drum pub shift. So far I have completed my carving/action station shift. This was a lot of fun, and I really realized how much I enjoy interacting with the guests. For my station, I had a whipped potato bar, this was at a fancy, large, Lebanese wedding. There must have been over 300 guests. I served up over one full hotel pan full of whipped potatoes in the course of 3 hours.
Another story to testify to Chef's observance: chef Brian has this oyster shucker that we all love very much. Whenever we need to shuck oysters, we borrow his tool. Well this week Chef came into the kitchen, with a big bag. Inside were oyster shuckers, all identical to Chef Brian's. We all got one as a gift - which is perfect as I was just about to go out and buy one.
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