Today I started working at the Marriott. I am now an official employee!
I filled out every form known to mankind, from payroll, to privacy policies, tax returns, sexual harassment policies, and the best... benefits!
Let me start off chronologically, as other wise I'm overwhelmed with excitement.
I left my apartment shortly before 12:30, in order to walk down to the Marriott in time for my 1:00 appointment with, I thought at the time, Chef. When I arrived, it was about quarter to one, and a bell boy approached me. I told him I was there to see Chef about starting my internship. He led me to the restaurant, where I waited outside while he went to see Chef.
He returned, telling me it was actually Human Resources that I was to be meeting with, and if I could follow him, he would lead me to their office.
I followed and was told to wait on a couch, as they were still out to lunch.
I sat on said couch until about 1:08. I looked around the hotel and realized that I was severely under dressed in my jeans and Culinary sweater. I noted the crystal-like ceiling, the Starbucks (and appropriate Starbucks carrying guests), the frosted windows in the floor above me and the uniformed staff. I noticed the couch I was sitting on was soft, and clean, and the table beside me, after thorough inspection, was dust free.
I also noticed a group of three men sitting on a group of chairs on the other side of the lobby, looking just as out of place as myself.
Just then a woman came up to me, and introduced herself as Angela, and knew I was Kyleen before I had a chance to introduce myself.
She told me to stay put, and she went over to the aforementioned men who looked like me: out of place. She then brought us over to the Starbucks within the hotel, and bought us all a drink. (I got a Chai Latte.)
We were brought to the boardroom where 4 stacks of paperwork greeted us. We all sat down and were briefed. Angela was very friendly, and joked a lot so we felt at ease, I know I asked a lot of questions that I otherwise would not have asked had it of been a more formal setting.
We signed everything handed our way, and explained everything carefully. We received copies of all the policies in length, which I am going to look over later on this evening. I was told I have the position of 3rd cook,(!) and how much I will be paid hourly.
We received our name tags, pass cards to get in and out of the building, a $2.50 meal card (which she said should do for two meals or three), a "Genuine Care Basics card" (customer care) as well as a schedule of everything with hours in the building. Received our lockers, with combination number. This is where we are to keep our uniforms.
After all the paperwork was done, we talked about employee benefits. From what I can tell, Marriott really takes care of it's employees! We get a free nights stay at the hotel, so that we know what it's like, and can pass info on to customers, we get discounts for ourselves, family and friends at any Marriott, we get 20% off Cow's ice cream, unlimited access to the fitness center, access to the pool on Sundays, staff appreciation week (in May so I will actually get to enjoy it), your birthday is a paid holiday, and an online reward points store.
Angela took us for a tour of the building, where we saw the fitness room (I will definitely be taking advantage of that benefit! Apparently Reebok filmed a commercial in there with Sydney Crosby.), a guest room, which was very nice with a jacuzzi, 2 flat screen tvs, a couch, king sized bed, breakfast nook and bathroom. We were then brought down to the pool, where we were shown the pool side rooms, as well as the outdoor summer patio.
Then we were all brought downstairs to our appropriate departments (I was the only one in Culinary) and left to speak with the people we will be reporting to.
I spoke to one of the Chef's, and received my uniform and schedule. I also met Jennifer for a brief handshake, and I will be shadowing her tomorrow, and making 100+ sandwiches.
I am to report in for work at 7:30am tomorrow morning. :)
thats early for you lol :)